A few years ago I blogged about Lesley M. M. Blume, (a gal after my own heart) and her fabulous Huffington Post column, "Let's Bring Back."
Well, good news for you lovers of nostalgia, she's released a book; Let's Bring Back: An Encyclopedia of Forgotten-Yet-Delightful, Chic, Useful, Curious, and Otherwise Commendable Things from Times Gone By.
Well, good news for you lovers of nostalgia, she's released a book; Let's Bring Back: An Encyclopedia of Forgotten-Yet-Delightful, Chic, Useful, Curious, and Otherwise Commendable Things from Times Gone By.

I just had to share a tidbit of Lesley's fabulous quips:

GLAMOUR SLIPPERS: The ultimate house show: a befeathered silken, froufrou alternative to slapping, schlumpy flip-flops.
PHONE CONVERSATIONS: Supplanted by e-mails and texting, they're becoming as archaic as handwritten letters.

HOTEL LIVING: This used to be a common practice in hotels of grandeur and disrepute; you would simply move into and and "take rooms." One advantage to hotel living; If you die there, you're more likely to be found in a timely manner.
GOLD TEETH: So festive. Also; handy assets in a recession.

MAHOGANY TELEPHONE BOOTHS IN HOTEL LOBBIES: They carried a surreptitious allure; it was practically mandatory to look around furtively when you were making a call inside.
PICTURE: As in "We're going to see the Bette Davis picture." Equally wonderful: "talkie."
DRESSING UP: For casinos: Lady luck is attracted to those who look the part.
For dinner: People used to do it every night: dinner jackets and evening gowns. Now showing up to dinner can be like getting slopped at a trough, and people often dress accordingly.
For flying: These days, airport attire is an assault on beauty--and often decency. Flying used to be considered a glamorous event, as did arriving; people wore their Sunday best for the occasion.
This book is just the "cat's pajama's." You cannot put it down. A "must buy" here.
images from Booklover here
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