1, 2 and 3:
Here are three of the four new public art sculptures on display this summer:

4. Salem's Farmers' Market
Come downtown Salem Thursday, June 16 for opening day at the Salem Farmers’ Market and enjoy delicious local fruits, vegetables, lobster, breads, pastries, cheese and much more. The market bell will ring promptly at 3 p.m. signaling the start of the market. The market is located in Derby Square on Front Street downtown Salem, MA Thursdays June 16 – October 20. For more information visit the website www.salemfarmersmarket.org or call market organizer Salem Main Streets (978)744-0004. The market will host many of the same farms and vendors from last year as well as numerous new vendors. EBT card accepted.
Opening Day Festivities
Opening Day Festivities include (beside fresh vegetables, fruits, breads, and so on …)At 3:30 p.m. Chef Tony Bettencourt from 62 Restaurant and Winebar will do a cooking demonstration
At 4:15 p.m. the Kiwi Kids
What are Kiwi Kids? They sing songs about Recycling and what we can all do to help our Earth. There will also be a basket of instruments for the little kids in the audience to use.
From 5 – 7 p.m. there will be live music by Qwill.
And something new, Diane DeGuzman will be at our market. She is a Health Coach and will be talking about healthy ways to use the things you buy. This week, Strawberries for Breakfast. Learn how to spice up those all important whole grains with delicious strawberries. No need to bring a pen and paper, recipes will be available. (Maybe bring a pen.)
5. Cinema Salem
Here's this week's great lineup of films at CinemaSalem!
Now Playing: Super 8 (PG13); Kung Fu Panda 2 (PG); The Hangover, Part II (R); and 13 Assassins (R)!
New in the Screening Room this week is 13 Assassins, which currently sports an even higher critical score at RottenTomatoes than Super 8. The estimable Mr. Eberts again weighs in: "13 Assassins has what many action pictures need, a villain who transcends evil and ascends to a realm of barbaric madness," and the Minneapolis Star-Tribune is reduced to sentence fragments: "Epic. Unforgettable. Relentless. Magnificently entertaining."
13 Assassins will screen on Friday at (4:00), 6:45 and 9:30; Saturday at (12:30), (4:00), 6:45 and 9:30; Sunday at (12:30), (4:00) and 6:45; and Monday-Thursday at (4:00) and 6:45.
Back for at least another week is the marvelous Kung Fu Panda 2 3D, which will screen on Friday at (4:20), 7:00 and 9:15; Saturday at (11:30 AM), (2:00), (4:20), 7:00 and 9:15; Sunday at (11:45 AM), (2:00), (4:20) and 7:00; and Monday-Thursday at (4:20) and 7:00.
Also back is The Hangover Part II, screening on Friday at (5:00), 7:30 and 9:50; Saturday at (12:15), (2:30), (5:00), 7:30 and 9:50; Sunday at (12:15), (2:30), (5:00) and 7:30; and Monday-Thursday at (5:00) and 7:30.
Next week, we'll be premiering Cars 2 from Pixar, whose releases are always a CinemaSalem highlight. There's also a pretty good chance we'll be bringing in The Green Lantern the same day, so if you can hold off seeing it a week until we get it, awesome!
Thanks for supporting CinemaSalem!
Did you know that 13 Assassins has one of the longest continuous action/fighting scenes in movie history?
6. PEM
So many things to see and do there. Go to www.PEM.org for all the details.
7. Salem Theatre Company
Go see SMUDGE. Details at http://www.salemtheatre.com/
8. The Ferry is back.
9. Just enjoy the shopping, strolling, and snacking available all around you.
10. Come see us! The staff of the Hawthorne Hotel is always ready to see you on your visit. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Drinks any time, a place to meet, see and be seen. Remember all roads lead to the historic Hawthorne Hotel.
I hope to see you here.
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