Tina Piechowicz, Bryant Winberry and Thomas MacDonald smiling for the camera. Do I see an ice cream bar just on the edge of this photo? It is hard to resist the unlimited access to an ice cream truck, hosted by the hotel!
Chef Steve Nelson made sure the food was scrumptious for our team members.
Claire Kallelis made cotton candy much to the amusement of and appreciation by many, including Bryant Winberry and Kristie Poehler.
John Goss with his darling grandchild.
We did games in the style of Minute To Win It
Here they are doing Cookie Face
I'm not sure if they had more fun playing the game or eating the cookies!
And Puddle Jumper
This one is called Nose Dive. Carrying a cotton ball on the tip of your nose is not the easiest thing, but this young lady won with a record time!
Shoe Fly Shoe is always popular. Where else do you get to kick shoes onto a table?
The Elephant March is such a picture-perfect game! Sandy Sinagra and Debbie Stephanides were great sports, but it was Sandy's record time that took the prize again -- that makes this her game two years in a row!
Noodling Around was the Big Challenge. This is one tough game!
The weather was perfect after Hurricane Irene scrubbed the sky of all humidity and made it a crystal-clear day for us. The event was our mid-year break, and it appeared that everyone who came had a great time.
I hope you enjoy getting a look at us at play!
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