Therese's lovely ironstone setThank you bloggers and Facebook friends for sharing your vintage holiday gifts with us! I asked and you delivered. This was great fun and I was thrilled to receive your photos.
Everyone ready for a little show and tell?The first photo (above) is from Therese at
La Dolfina. She received this lovely ironstone coffee pot and sugar bowl from her Mom for Christmas. Therese believes the pattern is called "wedding band." She is thrilled with them, and I quite like them too! Very elegant indeed.

Next we have the,
"IboughtthisformyselfforChristmas" gift. Love that! I think we can all relate. Ruth at
The Beautiful Life had been eye-balling this antique industrial steel cart for over a year. She finally broke down and treated herself. It helped that the shop owner had marked the price down 50%!

Ruth was so elated to finally own her "dream cart," but puzzled as to where to put it. So, it sat on the porch for awhile. And then, walla! The kitchen was the perfect spot to use it as a sideboard/island. Look at all the cute things she put on it. Good job Ruth!

The kitty enjoyed the "dream cart" before its kitchen destination

Don at
Civility Design was absolutely in love with this Art Nouveau 'Seau a Glace' (ice bucket) from the early 1900's. He purchased it from a dealer in France and gave it to his partner Jaymes for the holidays. What an exquisite piece!
"Breathtakingly beautiful, elegant and artistic in person, that is as much a piece of art as it is functional! Objet d'art to the highest degree!!" --Don (I couldn't agree more. I would love to have one grace my sideboard!)
Thanks again to all of you for sharing your lovely gifts. It was fun being a part of your excitement!
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