I'm sure by now many of you have heard of the sudden closing of these four magazines from Conde Nast. So sad for the employees, and of course, the loyal readers.
Gourmet magazine was established 68 years ago and has one of the largest followings.
Here is what blogger Freckled Citizen has to say about it. 
I just read that 80% of magazines' revenue comes from advertising. Okay, we're in a recession and that accounts for a lot of this. But, recently we've lost so many wonderful print magazines;
House & Garden, Domino, Blueprint, Home Companion, to name a few. I love going to my mailbox and seeing stacks of new magazines awaiting.
I'm a bit of a magazine whore hoarder...There's nothing better than curling up with a magazine, flipping through the pages, earmarking them or tearing them out. Stacks of magazines all around. I shutter to think of sitting on an airplane reading a magazine from a computer screen.
So, what's next? Do you think that one day there will be no print magazines? Are some just being weeded out because there are too many? What are your favorite magazines? What can
we do, if anything, to support them?
R.I.P. Gourmet, Elegant Bride, Modern Bride & Cookie...
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