Steve Nelson, our Executive Chef was recognized for his 25 years of service to the Hawthorne Hotel. That "chef's hat" is really a cake, and the entire thing was edible, from the hat, to the knife to the "marble slab" on which it all sat. This cake was provided by Montilio's Bakery -- the company that does most of our wedding and other special occasion cakes.
Also pictured with Steve are Claire Kallelis and Karen Cotton -- members of our team who have been here nearly as long as Steve has.
Paula Laureau was also recognized for her 25 years with the Hawthorne Hotel. She is our night auditor and overnight manager, and we are so happy to have her as part of our team.
Last but hardly least, you see Donna Daly being called up to the microphone as we wished her a wonderful "semi-retirement". Donna has been with us for just over 10 years, and for the majority of those years has been our Purchasing and Receiving Manager. Her plan is to work part-time for us on the weekends as she enjoys a somewhat more relaxed pace, enjoying life a bit more.
Please join me in our good wishes to all of these terrific members of the Hawthorne Hotel TEAM!!
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