One of the perks of my job is meeting interesting people in the most interesting fields. Our common thread is having a passion for vintage items.
Some time ago I had blogged about vintage oil portrait collections, and included a photo from event planner, Mindy Weiss's collection, featured in O at Home magazine. Somehow via the internet, Mindy discovered my website, purchased a portrait, and we began to chat. This was Mindy Weiss…one of the most sought after event planners in the United States!
Mindy is delightful. Energetic, enthusiastic, talented and bubbly. No wonder why Mindy has planned weddings and parties for high profile clients such as Ellen DeGeneres & Portia de Rossi, Heidi Klum & Seal…and the list goes on!

In addition to Mindy’s event planning, she has her own product line for Two’s Company, which features everything from wedding organizer books & ring pillows, to bridal pajamas and scented candles. All in white and that beautiful aqua color that we love! Simply beautiful!
Mindy's e-store carries her Two’s Company line, and in addition, a section called “Gifts and Goodies I Love,” sharing her favorite things, including her custom invitations and stationary.

Mindy also wrote a book called "The Wedding Book; The Big Book for Your Big Day," available here.

This blog post cannot cover all of the amazing work that Mindy has done and continues to do!
In addition to Mindy’s event career, she is obsessed with antiques. She has several collections, and no matter what time she comes home from an event on a Saturday night, you can bet that she’ll be at a flea market early Sunday morning.
I had never heard about Campus Cuties until Mindy sent me these photos of her collection. These cute little plastic figurines were made in the mid-1960's by the Marx Company. With names like "Shopping Anyone?" and "On the Town," these girls just want to have fun!
Along with my Mindy's treasured lady portraits, Mindy collects vintage floral oil paintings. Her is kitchen is covered with them...
Mindy isn't the only collector in the family. Her husband collects vintage clocks...
photo from the Mindy Weiss collection
Mindy hopes to be selling vintage wedding and entertainment items on her e-store and I can’t wait! But, how much more can Mindy do? A lot more...read on...
One day I was talking to Mindy on her cell phone. She was running around Beverly Hills doing a million things at once. She told me she had recently purchased Owen’s Market, an old neighborhood market in West Los Angeles. Mindy had a soft spot for salvaging this treasured little market, so she renovated it and got some event friends to sell their wares in the shop.
This wonderful market has a vast selection of specialty foods, organic produce, vintage cookbooks, gifts, candy and more. Totally adorable. Just look at those green & white checkered floors and green walls! Yet another creation from the talented Mindy Weiss.
I'm so thrilled to have met Mindy and shared some of her collections with you. Visit her website here, for her event planning services, portfolio and e-store. She also has a wonderful blog that you can check out here.
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