Special thanks to these lovely bloggers that mentioned my blog and shop. You gals make this job worthwhile and I so appreciate your comments!

Thank you so much to Beth at Beth's Take on Life, for the Best Blog Award. What an honor! I feel like this is the blog Oscars!

Hallie at The Glam Lamb, who so nicely posted about Paris Hotel Boutique's items. The Glam Lamb covers everything from interior design to antiquing. You can check her blog out here.
Charmaine at Beautiful Things to Share, who also posted some of her favorite items at Paris Hotel Boutique. Charmaine's blog has the most gorgeous eye candy! She definitely has beautiful things to share! Visit her blog here.

One of my longtime blogging buddies, Lizzie at Design Watcher, for the nice book mention. I've been meaning to post about Lizzie's blog for a long time and will get to more details soon!

Toma, The Antiques Diva, who lives in Germany and shares her wonderful stories with us. Thanks Toma for mentioning PHB's blog! You are always so kind and your blog is fab!

Stephanie at Bonjour Madame, who recently won a prize in our etiquette contest. Thanks Stephanie for sharing the photos with us. Stephanie is interested in all things French and has a wonderful blog!

And last, but not least, the lovely Anna at the popular, Absolutely Beautiful Things, who posted about a lady portrait on Paris Hotel Boutique...

... one of her readers purchased it that day. Thanks Anna and thanks to all of you that were so kind enough to mention Paris Hotel Boutique!
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