I wanted to give a big "shout out" to the fabulous
Anh-Minh Le. I met Anh-Minh some time ago via the blogosphere and she is delightful. In addition to having a full-time job
and blogging regularly, Anh-Minh is a freelance writer and contributor to the San Francisco Chronicle. I was so flattered when she contacted me to be featured in the Chronicle's "Stylemaker Spotlight." What an honor to be in my hometown paper.

Anh-Minh and I finally met in person and chattered over tea and scones... quite fun. Such a charming and talented gal!
Today the article came out in the San Francisco Chronicle and I thought I'd share it with you. So happy that little Vito got his 15 minutes of fame!

You can read the whole article
here. Many, many thanks dear Anh-Minh! You are amazing. AND, be sure and check out Anh-Minh's blog
here. It is quite a fun read.
and...she is also a jewelry designer...uh oh...we're in trouble!
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